Monday, August 26, 2019

Embracing Globalization while Maintaining Identity Essay

Embracing Globalization while Maintaining Identity - Essay Example As the paper discusses while globalization is not the answer to all the world’s problems, a negative attitude towards it is one that is capable of breeding suspicion and misunderstanding between different cultures and nations. Also, economically speaking, globalization can be far more complicated than merely showing tolerance and acceptance towards other cultures. This essay will first illustrate some of the negative attitudes toward globalization. Next, globalization as it relates to education in Israel will be discussed. Through these examples one can likely see that many people are afraid that globalization will weaken their particular nation and take away from their common identities. In response to these fears, the paper will suggest that it is indeed possible to maintain one’s identity while at the same time accepting globalization. One instance of a negative view towards globalization is â€Å"anti-soccer† Americans as described in the work of Franklin Foer. According to Foer, globalization has actually failed some of its expectations, both economically and culturally, given that a majority of the world’s nations remain poor, and that some cultures actually fear that â€Å"globalized culture† will eventually erode their own unique cultural identities. In order to illustrate the failures of globalization, particularly in its failure to promote the homogenization of culture (and even attracted the reversion to old cultural identities and hostility to other cultures), Foer uses the ever famous worldwide sport of soccer.  

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